Set Up

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Set Up

((img class=img-responsive src=

We created BirdBlox as a tablet-based programming option for the Hummingbird. Since the Hummingbird Bit is based on the micro:bit, you can also use BirdBlox to wirelessly program the micro:bit! This module will cover how to set up the micro:bit to start programming in BirdBlox.

Install BirdBlox onto your tablet or smartphone.

((vim videoid=fcz3j8n0r5 wl=0))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Connect the micro:bit to the computer with the USB cord. The micro:bit also needs a source of power, so connect it to the battery pack.

Download this file and drag it onto the micro:bit (you will need a computer with a USB port for this step). Your device should start to flash three letters on its display.

Note: If you also use MakeCode with your micro:bit, you will need to repeat this step each time you switch from MakeCode to BirdBlox.

((vim videoid=nxu1hsbl95 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Remove the USB cord. You won’t need it to use BirdBlox!

Connecting to micro:bit

((img class=img-responsive src=

This module will show you how to connect BirdBlox to the micro:bit via bluetooth.

((vim videoid=7l7ngcaweu wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Open BirdBlox.

((vim videoid=a5qg0dokjh wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap New to create a new program. Give it a descriptive name.

((vim videoid=2fbj1qydef wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap the Hummingbird Connect button. Select Connect Device.

((vim videoid=uzjqufgfvw wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap the name of your device. To identify your device, look at the initials flashing on the micro:bit. Match these to the name on tablet.

((vim videoid=hdioxqii1d wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

When you connect to the micro:Bit, the initials will stop flashing. On the tablet screen, the dot on the Hummingbird Connect button will turn green, and the blocks for the micro:bit will turn teal.

Note: If you lose the connection to the micro:bit, the initials will start to flash, the dot on the Hummingbird Connect button will turn red, and the blocks for the micro:bit will turn gray. If this happens, tap the Hummingbird Connect button, select Disconnect Device, and then reconnect.

If you are not connected to the micro:bit but the initials are not flashing, try changing your batteries!

Loops with the LED Display

((vim videoid=oqgv72m850 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

The surface of the micro:bit contains 25 tiny LEDs that you can use to make pictures and patterns! This module will show you how to use the micro:bit LED display in BirdBlox.

((vim videoid=1e9g591y57 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Every program should begin with an event. An event is an action the computer can recognize. We will start our program by tapping the green flag in the upper-right corner of the screen.

((vim videoid=urjcow3v7d wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

The micro:bit blocks are on the Robots menu in BirdBlox. The micro:bit Display block lets you pick which LEDs should be on and which should be off.

((vim videoid=r9i9dej5m6 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap the green flag to run your first program!

((vim videoid=v1fdro7655 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

The wait block stops the program for a number of seconds.

((vim videoid=45g3bccatu wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Add another micro:bit Display block to display a different pattern.

Note: The video shows one pattern, but feel free to create your own!

((vim videoid=rj43uu5lp1 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap the green flag to run your program.

((vim videoid=xioclszfs6 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=1wkxhggsin wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Drag the micro:bit Display and wait blocks into a repeat forever loop.

((vim videoid=f3m53un1fw wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Now your LED Display will blink over and over!

((vim videoid=a6pwsk42q1 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=hg5vggeplr wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Using the micro:bit Buttons

((vim videoid=tceeoutman wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

The micro:bit can detect when you press a button or move it in different ways. In this module, you will write programs that use these motions to control the micro:bit.

((vim videoid=trrwovyqt9 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Leave the when tapped block, but delete any other blocks.

((vim videoid=kvblrh9oe7 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can use the micro:bit to enable a program to make a decision. To do this, use an if block. The if block has two parts.

((vim videoid=sc07cea3a5 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

The top of the if block has a hexagonal space. This space requires a Boolean block, which is a block that can be either true or false. The micro:bit Button block is a Boolean block. This block is true when button A is pressed and false otherwise.

((vim videoid=gl1ohe1wxo wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can place a micro:bit Display block (or other blocks!) inside the if block.

((vim videoid=kd3eicypng wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap and hold your script to duplicate it. Select button B in the copy.

Modify the second script so that the display turns off when you press button B.

((vim videoid=ulizakpdsl wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

If button A is pressed, the Boolean block in the left script is true, and and micro:bit displays an ‘X.’ If button B is pressed, the Boolean block inside right script is true, and the LED display turns off.

((vim videoid=ist5jp5t2f wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=v58m8vesi9 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=pkqrllm2ty wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Sound with the micro:bit

((vim videoid=lg6q8lefz4 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

This module will show you how to connect your headphones, earbuds, or speakers to the micro:bit and play music in BirdBlox.

((vim videoid=tbhkdejdie wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Use alligator clips to connect the base of your headphone jack to the GND pin and the tip of the headphone jack to pin 0.

((vim videoid=q8j74e5gxm wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Leave one when tapped block, but delete any other blocks.

((vim videoid=rpnkaq534n wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can use the micro:bit Play Note block to play a note over your headphones or speakers.

Note: Be careful to adjust the volume so that the notes are not too loud.

((vim videoid=euuo8puh8g wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=axsy1cjo4t wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=vhmipijinn wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=
((vim videoid=by22jhs528 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can also use a decision block to play a note when you press a button or move the micro:bit in a certain way.

((vim videoid=kaf4icdgd0 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

In the last module, you used the micro:bit Button block. There is also a micro:bit Boolean block that depends on the orientation of the micro:bit. This block is true when the micro:bit is in the selected orientation and false otherwise.

((vim videoid=m44lpcm0e0 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

This program will play a short, high note when you tilt the micro:bit to the left.

((vim videoid=bb3x59y32z wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=m8fudqgdwu wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Tap and hold your script to duplicate it.

((vim videoid=ts7i3hgabo wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Change the copy of the script to make it play a low note when you tilt the microbit to the right.

((vim videoid=w4pef3avbp wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Controlling Lights with the micro:bit

((vim videoid=2kg79cd4np wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

As you saw in the last module, you can expand the micro:bit by connecting alligator clips to the edge of the board. The areas where you connect alligator clips are called pins. This module will show you how to use these pins to control small lights called LEDs.

((vim videoid=pjy3a94bvf wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Use alligator clips to connect the – pin of a single color LED to GND on the micro:bit. The + pin of the LED should be connected to pin 0 on the micro:bit.

((vim videoid=7tgaf6biwc wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can use the micro:bit Write block to turn on the LED. To use this block, first select the pin to which the LED is attached (0 – 2). Then set the brightness of the LED from 0% and 100%.

((vim videoid=h59w24n010 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=qlwjugou9k wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=lzmio3b7n1 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=81qnkiiq8i wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can also connect a tri-color LED to the micro:bit. Connect the – pin on the tri-color LED to the GND pin on the micro:bit. Connect the red, green, and blue LED pins to pins 0, 1, and 2 on the micro:bit.

((vim videoid=pd3o3t3pvc wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

A tri-color LED has three tiny lights inside it. You can make many different colors by mixing the proportions of red, green, and blue light. Use a micro:bit Write block to set the amount of each color from 0 to 100%.

((vim videoid=wzsjmk2uix wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Add a wait block after setting all three pins.

((vim videoid=v0c1x8wtle wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Duplicate the four blocks in your program and set the micro:bit pins to three different values.

((vim videoid=5wxuoa88k8 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Add a repeat forever block.

((vim videoid=0b7de4btjf wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

Now your tri-color LED will blink over and over!

((vim videoid=0o5k61tnhr wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=jgwdmsqgc3 wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

You can use the pick random block from the Operator menu to set a pin to a random value once each second. By default, the block generates a random number between 1 and 10, but you can use different values.

((vim videoid=hqufkdtfql wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=


((vim videoid=jqg3uglwpf wl=1))
((img class=img-responsive src=

In this module, you have learned to use the pins on the micro:bit to control an LED. If you want to extend what you can do with the micro:bit even further, try the Hummingbird Bit! It enables you to use multiple lights, motors, and sensors with the micro:bit. Build your own robots and program them in BirdBlox!

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