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Anatomy of the Hummingbird Robotics Kit

Use this printable student notebook and activity sheet to learn more about the Hummingbird Bit hardware

Hummingbird Bit Controller
Components What Does It Do? Plug It In Icon
Single Color LED

Single Color LED

Program the brightness of the light

Color: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)

Tri-Color LED

Tri-Color LED

Program the color of the light

Red: R (Red)
Green: G (Green)
Blue: B (Blue)
Black: - (Ground)

Position Servo

Position Servo

Program the angle of the motor from 0° to 180°

White: S (Signal)
Red: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)

Rotation Servo

Rotation Servo

Program the speed of rotation

White: S (Signal)
Red: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)



Program different musical tones

micro:bit accessory

Distance Sensor

Distance Sensor

Measure the distance to the closest object

Yellow: S (Signal)
Red: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)

Light Sensor

Light Sensor

Measure the light around the robot

Yellow: S (Signal)
Red: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)

Dial Sensor

Dial Sensor

Measure how much the knob is turned

Yellow: S (Signal)
Red: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)

Sound Sensor

Sound Sensor

Measure the sound around the robot

Yellow: S (Signal)
Red: + (Positive)
Black: - (Ground)



Measure magnetic field strength

micro:bit accessory



Measure the robot’s position in space

micro:bit accessory

A/B Button

A/B Button

Use buttons to get input

micro:bit accessory



Send and receive messages

micro:bit accessory

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