Microbit Class Methods



Method Signature: Microbit()
Description: Constructor that creates an object corresponding to a micro:bit. This method assumes that the micro:bit is the only device connected in the BlueBird Connector.
Example: myBit = Microbit()

Method Signature: Microbit(device)
Description: Constructor that creates an object corresponding to a micro:bit. This method requires a string equal to ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ that specifies the letter of the device in the BlueBird Connector.
Example: myBit = Microbit('A')

Output Methods

Method Signature: setDisplay(LEDlist)
Description: Sets the LED array of the micro:bit to display a pattern defined by a list of length 25. Each value in the list must be 0 (off) or 1 (on). The first five values in the array correspond to the five LEDs in the first row, the next five values to the second row, etc.
Example: myBit.setDisplay([1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1])

Method Signature: setPoint(row, column, value)
Description: Turn on or off a single LED on the micro:bit display. The position of the LED is given by the row and column parameters, which should both be between 1 and 5. The value of the LED must be 0 (off) or 1 (on).
Example: myBit.setPoint(3,3,1)

Method Signature: print(message)
Description: Print a string on the micro:bit LED array. The string must have 15 or fewer characters and should contain only digits and English letters (upper or lower case).
Example: myBit.print("hello")

Method Signature: playNote(note, beats)
Description: Plays a note using the buzzer on the micro:bit. The method requires an integer representing the note (32-135) and a number giving the number of beats (0-16). The number of beats can be a decimal number. One beat corresponds to one second. If you are using a micro:bit without a Hummingbird, this function can only be used with the micro:bit V2.
Example: myBit.playNote(60,0.5)

Input Methods

Method Signature: getButton(button)
Description: Takes a string corresponding to a micro:bit button (‘A’,‘B’, or ‘Logo’) and returns a Boolean value that is True if the button is being pressed, and False otherwise. The Logo button is only present on a micro:bit V2, so this option cannot be used with a micro:bit V1.
Example: print("Button A is pressed: ", myBit.getButton('A'))

Method Signature: isShaking()
Description: Returns True if the micro:bit is shaking and False otherwise.
Example: print("Shake Status: ", myBit.isShaking())

Method Signature: getOrientation()
Description: Returns a string that represents the orientation of the micro:bit. The possible values are “Screen up”, “Screen down”, “Tilt left”, “Tilt right”, “Logo up”, “Logo down”, and “In between”.
Example: print("Orientation: " + myBit.getOrientation())

Method Signature: getAcceleration()
Description: Returns a list that contains the acceleration in m/s2 in the x, y, and z directions.
Example: print("Acceleration: ", myBit.getAcceleration())

Method Signature: getCompass()
Description: Returns the direction of the micro:bit in degrees from magnetic north (0°-359°). The compass should be calibrated in the BlueBird Connector before using this method.
Example: print("Compass Heading: ", myBit.getCompass())

Method Signature: getMagnetometer()
Description: Returns a list that contains the value of the magnetic field in µT in the x, y, and z directions. The compass should be calibrated in the BlueBird Connector before using this method.
Example: print("Magnetic Field: ", myBit.getMagnetometer())

Method Signature: getSound()
Description: Returns the sound measured by the micro:bit. The sound measurement is an integer between 0 and 100 (arbitrary units). This function can only be used with the micro:bit V2.
Example: print("Sound: ", bird.getSound())

Method Signature: getTemperature()
Description: Returns the temperature in degrees Celsius measured by the micro:bit. This function can only be used with the micro:bit V2.
Example: print("Temperature: ", bird.getTemperature())

Method Signature: public void stopAll()
Description: Stops all outputs. This includes the LED display for the micro:bit and all lights and motors for the Hummingbird Bit.
Example: myBit.stopAll()

Hummingbird Class Methods

Hummingbird is a subclass of Microbit


Method Signature: Hummingbird()
Description: Constructor that creates an object corresponding to a Hummingbird Bit. This method assumes that the Hummingbird Bit is the only device connected in the BlueBird Connector.
Example: myBit = Hummingbird()

Method Signature: Hummingbird(device)
Description: Constructor that creates an object corresponding to a Hummingbird Bit. This method requires a string equal to ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ that specifies the letter of the device in the BlueBird Connector.
Example: myBit = Hummingbird('A')

Output Methods

Method Signature: setLED(port, intensity)
Description: Sets an LED to a given intensity value. The method requires the port number of the LED (1-3) and an intensity value from 0-100. An intensity value of 0 turns the LED off.
Example: myBit.setLED(1,100)

Method Signature: setTriLED(port, redIntensity, greenIntensity, blueIntensity)
Description: Sets a tri-color LED to a given color by setting the intensities of the red, green, and blue elements inside it . The method requires the port number of the tri-color LED (1-2) and three intensity values from 0-100. Setting all three intensity values to 0 turns the LED off.
Example: myBit.setTriLED(1,75,0,75)

Method Signature: setPositionServo(port, angle)
Description: Sets a position servo to a given angle. The method requires the port number of the servo (1-4) and an angle from 0°-180°.
Example: myBit.setPositionServo(1,90)

Method Signature: setRotationServo(port, speed)
Description: Sets a rotation servo to spin at a given speed. The method requires the port number of the servo (1-4) and a speed between -100 and 100. A speed of 0 turns the motor off.
Example: myBit.setRotationServo(1,100)

Method Signature: playNote(note, beats)
Description: Plays a note using the buzzer on the Hummingbird Bit. The method requires an integer representing the note (32-135) and a number giving the number of beats (0-16). The number of beats can be a decimal number. One beat corresponds to one second.
Example: myBit.playNote(60,0.5)

Input Methods

Method Signature: getLight(port)
Description: Takes an integer corresponding to the sensor port (1-3) and returns the intensity measured by the light sensor. The light measurement is an integer between 0 and 100 (arbitrary units).
Example: print("Light Sensor: ", myBit.getLight(1))

Method Signature: getDial(port)
Description: Takes an integer corresponding to the sensor port (1-3) and returns the position of the dial sensor. The dial position is an integer between 0 and 100 (arbitrary units).
Example: print("Dial Sensor: ", myBit.getDial(1))

Method Signature: getDistance(port)
Description: Takes an integer corresponding to the sensor port (1-3) and returns the distance in centimeters measured by the distance sensor. The sensor detects distance most accurately in the range of 2-200 cm.
Example: print("Distance Sensor: ", myBit.getDistance(1))

Method Signature: getSound(port)
Description: Takes an integer corresponding to the sensor port (1-3) and returns the intensity measured by the sound sensor. The sound measurement is an integer between 0 and 100 (arbitrary units).
Example: print("Sound Sensor: ", myBit.getSound(1))

Method Signature: getVoltage(int port)
Description: Takes an integer corresponding to the sensor port (1-3) and returns the voltage measured by any sensor. The voltage measurement is a double between 0 and 3.3 V.
Example: print("Sensor Voltage: ", myBit.getVoltage(1))

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