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Show the Finch’s emotional state by displaying an emoji on the micro:bit LED screen and combining it with beak and tail LED colors that fit the emoji.
BEGINNER: Outputs Only
Required Lessons: LED Screen and LEDs
MakeCode: Program the Finch to display a single emotion when the program starts up.
Snap!, BirdBlox: Create two or more emotions as separate scripts. Activate each script by clicking or tapping on them.
Required Lessons: Sensor Overview, Boolean Data
Tilt the Finch to initiate different emotions.
ADVANCED: Going Further
Required Lessons: Randomness, Variables
The Finch is feeling moody: Randomly select one of four emotions to display every time you press a button.
- This activity could be informed by such topics as color psychology, non-verbal communication, facial expressions, human-centered design, and more.
- Strengthen both social-emotional and programming skills with our customizable Exploring Feelings with Finch worksheet.